Guidelines for Examinees - the Psychometric Entrance Test:

Before, During and After the Test

Use Your Time Wisely

As mentioned previously, the number of questions included in each section and the time allotted for answering them appear at the beginning of each section. The proctors will announce the time allotment at the beginning of each section and write the start and finish times on the board (according to their watch/clock). The proctors will announce when there are five minutes left to complete the section. At the end of the allotted time, you will be instructed to turn to the next section, and you will not be allowed to return to the previous section.


Below are some suggestions for how to use the allotted time efficiently:

  • When starting the writing task, spend a few minutes thinking about the ideas you want to present. Plan out the structure of your essay and draft a rough outline. In the first section of the test booklet - the writing assignment - there is space provided for writing a draft. Remember that the time it will take to copy the draft to the answer sheet is included in the total time allotted for the section, and no additional time will be given for copying the draft. Of course, you may erase words or entire sections on the answer sheet, but remember that your handwriting must be legible and the flow of the essay must be clear. A short while before the end of the allotted time, read over the writing assignment again to make sure it is legible and comprehensible.
  • In the multiple-choice sections, try to answer each question in a reasonable amount of time. Once you have answered one, go on to the next question. If you cannot answer a question, do not spend too much time on it! Remember, you must answer all of the questions in the section. If you spend too much time on one question, you will not have enough time to answer the remaining questions and to receive points for them. Easy questions and difficult questions have equal weight for scoring purposes. Therefore, there is no reason to get stuck on one difficult question. In the time that you save, you could answer several easier questions.
  • If you feel that you know how to answer a question but need a bit more time, mark it and return to it later. If you have time at the end of the section, go back to all of the questions that you marked and try to answer them.
  • If you feel that you will not be able to answer a question even if you spend more time on it, guess the answer! Your guess need not be a random one. You might be able to rule out some of the possible responses on the basis of partial knowledge, thereby increasing your probability of guessing correctly. The test score is calculated only on the basis of correct answers, and no points are deducted for incorrect answers. Therefore, if you are unable to answer a question, it is worth taking a guess. Guessing cannot harm your score; it can only improve it.
  • Leave yourself a minute before the end of the section. Randomly guess the answers to all of the questions that you skipped - in other words, mark any answer on the answer sheet without trying to solve the question or rule out possible responses. At this stage, there is no time for anything except to quickly fill in missing answers and make sure you have marked an answer for every question.
  • NITE receives many appeals as a result of students having mistakenly marked the wrong place on the answer sheet. This is not something that can be corrected after the test. Make absolutely sure that you mark the answers in the correct place on the answer sheet. Corrections can only be made by the examinee, during the time allotted for the section. No extra time can be given for this purpose.
  • Every section is important! There is no way for you to tell which sections will not be used for calculating your score. Therefore, treat every section as if it determines your score! Deciding for whatever reason that a particular section is not important could seriously harm your score.

סימון תשובות בטופס 3

Compromising the Integrity of the Test and Cheating

NITE views very seriously any attempt to compromise the integrity of its tests, including any behavior that infringes on the confidentiality of the test or the use of its results. We also view very seriously any attempt to obtain a score by illegal means, such as copying during the test or impersonating someone else. Among other things, cheating may lead to situations in which unsuitable candidates are accepted, sometimes even at the expense of candidates who are better qualified for the study program in question. The National Institute for Testing and Evaluation has methods for detecting cheating and attempts to compromise test integrity, and reserves the right to react to such situations using all means at its disposal and at its discretion. These may include:

  1. Invalidating the test
  2. Prohibiting an examinee from taking any test administered by NITE for a period of 12 months
  3. Filing a civil suit
  4. Submitting a complaint to university or college disciplinary committees

Please note: Impersonating another person (such as sending someone to take the test in your place) is a criminal offense. If someone is suspected of committing such an offense, a complaint will be filed with the police and with university disciplinary committees.

It is strictly forbidden to copy, distribute or teach the contents of a test or any part of it, in any form or by any means, without written permission from the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation. The Institute will take administrative, legal or other appropriate action against anyone violating this prohibition. Before the test begins, you will be asked to sign a declaration stating that you are aware of this prohibition and that you undertake to behave in accordance with it.

Any of the following constitutes grounds for disqualifying an examinee:

  • Disruptive behavior during the test
  • Copying, and giving or receiving help in answering a question
  • Using forbidden study aids, such as papers, books, calculators and dictionaries
  • Opening the test booklet before being instructed to do so
  • Turning to another section without being instructed to do so
  • Continuing to work on a section after the end of the allotted time
  • Taking test material out of the test hall
  • Being in possession of an electronic device - cellular telephone, computer, music player, etc. - during the test
  • Disregarding the proctors’ instructions


After the Test

After completing the test, you will receive an email with an online Feedback Questionnaire. You will be asked your opinion of the testing conditions. You may also be asked to rate your satisfaction with the registration procedure and with the test, or to express your opinion on other areas that the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation deals with. The Feedback Questionnaire is not part of the Psychometric Entrance Test; it is reviewed separately from the test answer sheets, and it cannot in any way affect you or your test score. Answering the questionnaire is optional, but we would appreciate your taking a few minutes to do so, as your answers will enable us to improve the service we offer examinees. Please note that the Feedback Questionnaire is not designed for dealing with individual complaints. If you have any questions or complaints about the test, please address them in writing to the Customer Relations Bureau at the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation within one week of the test date. You will receive a personal reply.


Some examinees might leave the test feeling that many questions were difficult, that they did not write a good essay, or that they did not manage to answer all of the questions in the allotted time. It is important to understand that even though the score is calculated on the basis of the quality of your essay and the number of questions you answered correctly, it is also equated with the performance of all other examinees on all versions of the test, in all languages, and for all test administrations. Therefore, even if you left the test thinking that you performed poorly, it is still entirely possible that you did well.