Arrays Format & Components - MOR & MIRKAM
The MOR and MIRKAM systems consist of two parts: a personal/biographical questionnaire and an assessment center. The components that make up these arrays are identical.
Personal/Biographical Questionnaire
The questionnaire includes about 10-15 open questions of the type usually found in admissions interviews. Candidates should write their answers by hand in the allocated spots in the questionnaire booklet. The allocated time for filling out the questionnaire is 2½ hours.
There are no right or wrong answers to the questions in the questionnaire. Answers are assessed according to their complexity and depth. You are advised to read each question carefully, think about it, and answer it after careful consideration. In the questions concerning past events you are advised to mention prominent and significant events with a perceptible long-term influence.
The answers to the personal/biographical questionnaire are assessed by two expert and qualified assessors. The final score in the questionnaire is the average of these two assessments. If there is a large difference between the two assessments, the answers will be assessed by a third assessor, and the final score will be the average of the two scores which are closest to one another.
Assessment Center
At the Assessment Center, each candidate will undergo stations of various types.. At each station the candidate is assessed by an expert assessor trained for the role, usually a medical school faculty member. The time allocated for each station is ten minutes. After each station the assessor fills out a standard assessment form for the candidate. In the simulation stations where an actor takes part, the actor also assesses the candidate. While at the Assessment Center, candidates will fill out SHAUL, a computerized personal questionnaire.
Types of Station
Personal interview: in these stations the assessor poses questions to the candidate about past experiences.
Discussion of questions relevant to the medical profession: in these stations the assessor asks the candidate’s opinion on questions relevant to the medical profession arising from a specific case.
Simulations: in these stations the candidate will encounter an actor playing the part of an individual involved in a complex situation and will be required to enter into a dialog. After five minutes the actor will leave the room and during the time remaining the assessor, who was watching the simulation, will ask the candidate questions concerning what happened during it.
See more about the preparation for the arrays and sample questions