Elah Institute

The ELAH Institute is one of 19 diagnostic institutions throughout Israel - from Tel Hai in the north to Eilat in the south - that make diagnoses using MATAL. Diagnostic institutions based on MATAL adhere to uniform criteria and diagnose learning disabilities related to reading, writing, and mathematics, as well as suspected attention deficit disorder (ADD), in students and youth seeking to study in institutions of higher education.

The Institute is located in the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation building in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Givat Ram campus. If you wish to have the diagnosis done at another MATAL institute, please contact that institute directly. For a list of MATAL institutes, click here.

Elah Institute fees General Information for Applicants

The Process of Diagnosis

In order to make an appointment for a diagnosis via MATAL at the ELAH Institute, you should first submit the documents listed below and the administration fee for handling the application (NIS 101). The ELAH Institute staff will examine the documents and determine whether you are eligible for diagnosis. If you are eligible, we will call you to fix appointments for diagnosis and feedback. We will also let you know by telephone if you are found ineligible for diagnosis via MATAL. The balance of payment for the diagnosis (NIS 1,726) should be paid before the first session. During the telephone call we will make appointments for two sessions of about two hours each for the diagnostic tests, and another session of about an hour for feedback on the results and filling in missing details.

The professional opinion including a summary of the results of the diagnosis and detailed recommendations for special test accommodations will be sent to you, upon your confirmation, by email about three weeks after the feedback session (the third session). The whole process, from submission of documents to the Elah Institute until receiving the professional opinion, takes about six weeks. However, there are periods, for example leading up to the dates of the Psychometric Entrance Test, when we receive a large number of applications and will not be able to fix an immediate appointment. Therefore we recommend applying about three months before you need the professional opinion.

Payment for the diagnosis

The diagnosis process costs NIS 1,827, of which NIS 101 is the fee for processing the application.
The diagnosis via MATAL is provided at cost, as a public service.

When applying for diagnosis at the Elah Institute in Jerusalem, you should submit the following documents:

  1. (to pay, click the link) Proof of payment of the administration fee
  2. Applicant’s personal questionnaire for men/applicant’s personal questionnaire for women
  3. Accompanying documentation — you should attach to your application all documentation concerning the difficulties on account of which you are applying for diagnosis, and also all documentation liable to provide the clinician with information about your developmental process, your academic performance and your medical and emotional condition, both past and present. In particular, it is important to attach copies of the following documents:
    1. All the diplomas in your possession from elementary, middle school and high school.
    2. Bagrut (high school matriculation) certificate or up-to-date transcript of Bagrut.
    3. Previous diagnostic reports.
    4. Official score certificate from the Psychometric Entrance Test, if taken in the past.
    5. For students: Current grade transcript from academic institution, including grades from a pre-academic preparatory program.
    6. Certificates of entitlement to accommodations in the Bagrut or Psychometric Entrance Test.
    7. Any other documentation liable to cast light on your past and present difficulties such as: referrals for diagnosis, referrals for treatment and assistance, assessments by teachers or counsellors, summaries of treatment, medication records.

Note: documents will not be returned, so we recommend submitting a legible copy and retaining the original

To send documents by registered delivery:

Elah Institute, National Institute for Testing and Evaluation, P.O. Box 39020, Jerusalem 9139001

To send documents by email:

Send all documents in one PDF file to yehudit@nite.org.il.
Please make sure that the scans of all the documents (personal questionnaire, background documents, and proof of payment of the NIS 101 processing fee) are clear and legible.

To hand-deliver documents:

Come to the reception desk at The National Institute for Testing and Evaluation, Neve Shaanan Gate, Givat Ram Campus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Please mark the envelope: “Attn. ELAH Institute”.
Office hours: Sunday - Thursday 08:30-15:30.
How to get to the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation

Before the Diagnosis Session

  1. The sessions take place at the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation building at the Givat Ram Campus, Neve Shaanan Gate. Please make sure to arrive a little early to leave yourself time to locate the building.
  2. Please inform the staff at the reception desk that you are here for diagnosis at the ELAH Institute.
  3. Bring identifying documentation to the first session (ID card, driving license, or army ID document) and proof of payment of the diagnosis fee.
  4. Make sure to come to all the diagnostic sessions as fresh and wide-awake as possible, after a good night’s sleep.
  5. Medication:
    1. Applicants taking medication for ADD, such as Ritalin or Concerta, should not take their medication on the diagnosis day.
    2. Applicants taking long-term medication should not miss taking their medication, but need to inform the examiner.
  6. If you are seriously late for the session, you may need to make another appointment. There is a charge of NIS 192 for an additional appointment.
  7. If you need to reschedule your appointment, inform us at least two working days in advance. A charge of NIS 192 will be made for cancelling an appointment without notice.

It is very important to perform to the best of your ability in the tests. The system includes a series of metrics to detect performance that does not reflect the applicant’s full ability.
In the event that the picture emerging from the diagnosis is exceptional or improbable, the clinician will be unable to arrive at a diagnosis and make recommendations for accommodations or assistance, even in a case of genuine difficulties.

For additional information regarding a diagnosis at the Elah Institute in Jerusalem, you may contact Yehudit Meroz by telephone at 02-675-9584, or by email at yehudit@nite.org.il.