Amirnet: Pencil-And-Paper Version

documents) that prevents them from taking a test on a computer will be allowed to take a pencil-and-paper version of the AMIRNET.

Test Sections

The pencil-and-paper version of the AMIRNET (as opposed to the computerized version) consists of two sections made up of the following question types (identical to those that appear on the regular AMIRNET):

  • Sentence Completions
  • Restatements
  • Reading Comprehension


Sentence Completions test the examinees’ vocabulary and ability to understand a sentence in context. Restatements tests the examinees’ understanding of English through their ability to identify two sentences that have the same meaning despite differences in syntax and structure. Reading Comprehension tests the examinees’ ability to understand short texts covering topics that are relevant to various academic fields and to answer questions about those texts.
Sentence Completion and Restatement questions are arranged in ascending order of difficulty. The Reading Comprehension questions appear in the order in which the subject matter appears in the text.

The time allotted for each section is 20 minutes.

It should be noted that new types of questions may occasionally be included on the test. There may also be changes to the test instructions, the number of questions in a section or the amount of time allotted to answering them.

From time to time, changes may be made to the test format, the number of questions and the time allotted.

Sample Test

Practice test for people with vision impairment