
About NITE

The National Institute for Testing and Evaluation was established in 1981 by the Association of University Heads in Israel in order to assist in the admissions and placement process for applicants to Israel’s institutions of higher education.

Before the establishment of NITE, each university’s admissions department administered the institution’s own entrance examination, and anyone applying to more than one university was required to take separate tests for each one.

The establishment of NITE made it easier for students to apply to more than one educational institution.  It brought together experts in testing and evaluation in order to construct a unified, professional, efficient, and fair test battery that would predict success in academic studies, and supplied academic institutions with professional tools for the admission and placement of applicants in various fields of study.  Thus, the establishment of NITE improved and streamlined the higher education admissions procedure.

In the years since its establishment, NITE has won recognition as one of the world’s leading institutions in the development of tools for testing and evaluation, especially admissions, placement, and accreditation tests for institutions of higher education.

NITE is registered as a nonprofit organization whose members are universities in Israel.

As a public, non-profit organization, NITE is funded entirely by the fees charged for the tests that it administers and its other activities, without support from any outside body.


Objectives of the Organization

  • Development and administration of test batteries for the admission and selection of applicants for study in institutions of higher education.
  • Provision of consultation and assessment, admissions, evaluation, and selection services to institutions of higher education and other organizations, with the aim of enhancing the knowledge and experience of these organizations.
  • Research on topics related to admissions and selection systems in the aforesaid institutions and organizations.
  • Research on other topics related to institutions of higher education.
  • Provision of services to the members of the organization, as determined by the Board of Directors in accordance with the policies of the General Meeting.

In addition to these objectives, NITE aims to advance the fields of testing, assessment, and evaluation in Israel.


Organizational Structure

NITE’s managing and consulting bodies

1) general meeting with audit committee, 2) board of directors, 3) standing committee with legal counsel, internal auditor and accountant, and a general meeting’s representative, 4) Management

Steering Committees

NITE is assisted by a number of steering committees that guide its activities.

  • International Scientific Council: Committee members are leading experts in psychometrics from Israel and abroad.  The committee’s purpose is to review, monitor, and optimize NITE’s professional activity.  The committee convenes for three days of discussions once every three years.
  • Forum of Heads of Admissions Departments: Committee members are the head of NITE’s operational division and representatives of the applications, entrance, and admissions departments of NITE’s six founding universities.  The committee interfaces between NITE and the educational institutions and assists with the planning and preparation for each administration of the PET.
  • Computerization Committee: Committee members are experts in the field of computerization.  NITE’s CEO convenes the committee, and senior representatives of NITE’s information systems division participate in its discussions.  The committee advises NITE on issues of computerization, technology, communication, and data security.
  • MITAM Steering Committee: Committee members are representatives of educational institutions that grant post-graduate degrees in psychology.  The committee determines the procedures and guiding principles for MITAM (the Entrance Test for Advanced Degrees in Psychology) and approves its final version.
  • Committee of the NITE Foundation:  Committee members include three senior researchers from NITE and two representatives of the academic community, all of whom are knowledgeable and experienced in psychometrics research and educational assessment and evaluation.  The committee is responsible for management of the NITE Foundation, determines grant policy, issues requests for grant proposals, and, each year, appoints the members of the Foundation’s assessment committee.