Development & Operation of
Assessment Tools & Evaluation Batteries

NITE provides development, administration, and scoring services for assessment and evaluation tools and batteries to various organizations and institutions. The course of the development process depends on the clients’ needs, aims, and budget. The development process includes writing, translation, proof-reading, and trial runs of items and assignments, analysis of the results, and development of a final version.

NITE has rich experience in test development, evaluation centers, practical assignments, questionnaires, interview protocols, observation forms, etc. NITE is an innovative leader in Israel for most aspects of assessment and evaluation, including tests for diagnosis of learning disabilities, behavioral simulations, implementation of assessment and evaluation technologies such as computerized and adaptive tests, computerized analysis of written materials, etc. In addition, NITE provides other bodies with translation services and upgrades to existing tests and evaluation batteries.

Test administration includes administering the application and allocation process, producing test booklets or computerized versions, setting up accommodations for populations with special needs, administering the tests, scanning answer sheets, coding the answers, scoring, assessing open-ended answers, quality control of the material, reporting scores, publishing statistical summaries, and writing technical reports.


For consultation, general information, and orders

Deputy Director and Research & Development Director, Dr. Tzur Karelitz 02-6759596


Examples of organizations that have received NITE’s services in recent years

Development of tools and batteries

  • Ministry of Economy, Vocational Training and Manpower Development Division - development of a battery of tests for placing students into study streams in youth schools.
  • Ministry of Defense, Behavioral Sciences Department (MAMDA) - development of preliminary psychotechnic grading tests.
  • The Israel Center for Medical Simulation (MSR), Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer - development, administration and scoring of the government licensing tests for nursing interns, accreditation tests for residents (stage 2 exam), etc.
  • Maimonides Foundation (previously Karev Foundation) - assistance in development and scoring of selection tests for academic programs for gifted children.
  • Avney Rosha, The Israel Institute for School Principals - development of a selection system for candidates for school principal training programs.
  • The Council for Higher Education (CHE) - development of MATAL, a computerized system for the diagnosis of learning disabilities and attention disorders among candidates for higher education and students, and for recommendations for accommodations in academic exams and study assistance. The system is installed in 15 diagnosis centers in institutions for higher education and serves more than 4,000 applicants per year.
  • Haifa University, Safra Brain Research Center for the Study of Learning Disabilities - assistance in the development of Loraat al Koraat, a standardized program for assessment of reading and writing difficulties in Arabic speakers aged 6-12.


Data processing, analysis, and reporting

  • Ministry of Education, National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation in Education (RAMA) - NITE provides data recovery, processing, analysis and reporting services for the National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation in Education (RAMA). As part of this activity NITE deals with the production of school-wide and system-wide reports on the Meitzav exams and the per-school pedagogical climate and environment surveys. In addition NITE assists RAMA in developing norms for the Woodcock-Johnson cognitive ability tests and in developing accreditation tools for internship year teachers.


Tool upgrades

  • Ministry of Health, Nursing Division - assistance in the development and translation of licensing tests for registered nurses and vocational nurses.
  • Ministry of Education, Special Programs Unit - upgrading specialized baccalaureate exams.
  • Israel Railways - upgrading the licensing tests and working with the training and organizational development departments.