Registration Procedures - the Psychometric Entrance Test

Test Languages

The test can be taken in any one of the following six languages: Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, French, Spanish, and the Combined/English version. You should take the test in the language in which you are most fluent.

The Combined/English version of the test is intended for examinees whose first language is English, as well as for those whose first language is not Hebrew, but who are more fluent in Hebrew or English than in any of the other test languages. In the Combined/English version, the test appears in both English and Hebrew, with selected words translated into Russian, German, Italian, Hungarian, Amharic, Portuguese, Dutch, and Spanish.



  • Tests in languages other than Hebrew are administered only at certain test locations. If you choose a language other than Hebrew, you might not be assigned to the location you have requested.
  • Tests in languages other than Hebrew or Arabic are administered only on certain test dates. Verify here whether there is a test in your preferred language on the test date of your choice.
  • The test language has no bearing on test scores.


Hebrew Proficiency Test (YAEL)

Examinees who take the Psychometric Entrance Test in a language other than Hebrew (including those who take the Combined/English version) have the opportunity to take the Hebrew Proficiency Test (YAEL) immediately after the Psychometric Entrance Test to assess their knowledge of Hebrew. The YAEL Test is scored and reported separately from the Psychometric Entrance Test.

To the best of NITE’s knowledge, not all the institutions use this score in the same way. Some use the test score only to place students in the appropriate preparatory Hebrew language course; others use it as an admissions requirement as well. Some institutions may require applicants to take a further Hebrew test. It is your responsibility to ascertain whether the Hebrew Proficiency Test is required by the institutions to which you have applied. Scores on the Hebrew Proficiency Test are reported only to those institutions that use the test.

Information on YAEL (Hebrew Proficiency Test), which is administered directly after the PET, appears here.

An examinee can take the YAELNET test without taking the Psychometric Entrance Test. See more information on the YAELNET test here.


Special Test Accommodations

NITE offers special test accommodations for applicants with special needs. Special accommodations are offered only for tests administered in Israel.
A test with special accommodations (BAMOT) will be given within one week before the regular test to three weeks after it. Examinees who receive approval for special accommodations will receive an email notification up to two weeks before their test date. This information can also be accessed by logging onto the website.

Who May Submit a Request for Special Accommodations?

Applicants with medical, physical, psychiatric, or learning disabilities, attention disorders or ASD, may submit a request for special test accommodations. Applicants with a physical condition (e.g. advanced pregnancy, size, confinement to a wheelchair, etc.) that prevents them from entering a regular classroom or sitting in chairs with attached writing surfaces may also request special test accommodations.

Details, requirements, and criteria for requesting special accommodations can be found here.

Timetable for Submitting Special Accommodations Requests

NOTE: Those requesting special accommodations must register for the Psychometric Entrance Test and ensure that all the required documents reach NITE in one of the ways specified in the guidelines for submitting a request for special test accommodations no later than the registration deadline. No appeals, updates or amendments to medical assessment documentation will be accepted after this deadline.

It can take up to 25 working days to process your application once it has arrived. NITE reserves the right to request that an applicant submit additional information or assessments. Applicants whose request is submitted in the last month of the registration period will almost certainly not have time to submit additional material or to appeal the decision and request a reassessment. Once the registration deadline has passed, applicants will not be permitted to appeal, add to, or correct medical reports, diagnoses or other required documents. It is therefore advisable to submit the request and accompanying documents as early as possible and at least two months before the registration deadline.

You may track the processing of your request by logging onto the NITE website and clicking on “status of application”.

Examinees who received approval for special test accommodations and who wish to change their test date or who intend to retake the test on another date must submit an additional request for special accommodations for the new test date, by following these instructions. This request, too, must reach NITE no later than the registration deadline.

Additional Information

The educational institutions that receive your test scores are entitled to receive information regarding the conditions under which the test was administered. Your application for special accommodations constitutes permission for NITE to disclose such information.

Examinees who take the Psychometric Entrance Test (PET) with special accommodations in languages other than Hebrew will not be able to take the YAEL test on the same test date. An examinee who takes the PET in a language other than Hebrew, and with special accommodations, has the right to take the YAELNET once, with special accommodations, free of charge at one of the NITE Test Centers. Once they have taken the Psychometric Entrance Test, examinees who are eligible to take the YAELNET with special accommodations will receive a letter explaining how to register for it.