Types of Accommodations
Entrance Test for Advanced Degrees in Psychology (MITAM)
Examples of available accommodations
- Extra time for all or part of the test
- Breaks during the test
- Use of a calculator for the four arithmetic operations
- Transcription of answers to the open questions
- Computerized dictation of reading passages in English
- Large answer sheet
- Conditions adapted for physical restrictions: for example, table type or seating aids for prolonged sitting
- Approval to be accompanied by another person who will sit outside the test hall
Examples of available accommodations
- Extra time for all or part of the test
- Breaks during the test
- Use of a calculator for the four arithmetic operations
- Transcription of answers to the open questions
- Computerized dictation of reading passages in English
- Large answer sheet
- Conditions adapted for physical restrictions: for example, table type or seating aids for prolonged sitting
- Approval to be accompanied by another person who will sit outside the test hall