General Information for Applicants

The Diagnostic Process

The diagnosis is conducted in three sessions: two sessions of about two hours each for taking the MATAL test battery, and a personal interview with an expert clinician for deeper analysis and receiving feedback on the results of the diagnosis and their interpretation.

The clinician will make a final evaluation of the presence of learning disabilities and the probability of the existence of ADD. This evaluation is based on all the data available to the clinician, including functioning in the MATAL tests, your development and pedagogic history as recorded in the documentation accompanying your application and the personal questionnaire you filled out, and the information collected in the personal interview.

Diagnostic Report

At the end of the diagnosis a computerized report is generated including the results of the tests and the clinician’s professional opinion. The opinion includes the final evaluation of the presence of learning disabilities and an estimation of the probability of the presence of ADD, and appropriate recommendations for accommodations in academic tests and assistance during study courses. Two signed copies of the report will be sent to your address.

It should be noted that occasionally the picture emerging from the data as a whole does not permit the clinician to arrive at an unambiguous evaluation. In such cases the clinician will recommend applying for additional investigation.

Full cooperation is essential

The validity of the MATAL diagnosis is conditional on the accuracy of the data available to the clinician. It is therefore essential that you submit complete and correct information and perform to the best of your ability in the test assignments. In order to confirm that these conditions are met, MATAL includes an array of metrics aimed at identifying unlikely results or functioning that does not reflect the applicants full ability. It is important to be aware that in the event that the picture emerging from the data as a whole is unlikely, extreme, or contains internal contradictions, the clinician will not be able to arrive at a diagnosis and will therefore not be able to make recommendations for accommodations and assistance, even if you have genuine learning difficulties. You will not be able to re-apply for diagnosis via MATAL until three years after the original diagnosis.

Admissibility of the Diagnosis

Diagnosis via MATAL is admissible for the purposes of submitting a request for accommodations in the Psychometric Entrance Test, together with the additional documentation required by the Special Test Accommodations (BAMOT) unit of the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation.

Diagnosis via MATAL is admissible for the purposes of submitting a request for accommodations in academic tests at all institutions of higher educations funded by the Council for Higher Education, among others.

In all cases applications for special test accommodations are the responsibility of the applicant and are not performed by the diagnostic center. It should also be understood that the institutions assessing the application (the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation and educational institutions) are under no obligation to adopt the clinician’s opinion and recommendations with respect to granting accommodations. The right of the final decision on granting accommodations is reserved exclusively to each institution’s professional board.

In the event that an institution funded by the Council for Higher Education does not recognize a diagnosis via MATAL, you may contact the public inquiries unit of the Council for Higher Education by email to


As a rule, for applicants who have undergone MATAL diagnosis when over 18, the diagnosis is valid for their whole life time.
For applicants who were diagnosed when under 18, the diagnosis is valid for five years, after which a requirement for re-testing will be subject to the decision of the institution to which the diagnosis is submitted.

In any case, re-testing via MATAL-based diagnosis is not possible during a period of three years after the initial diagnosis.

Cost of Diagnosis

MATAL provides diagnoses as a nonprofit service to the public. The fee for diagnosis is NIS 1,827, which includes a NIS 101 fee for processing the application.

List of institutions performing diagnosis via MATAL