Reporting YAEL Scores to Academic Institutions

The educational institutions process applications on the basis of scores reported directly to them by NITE. They are allowed to use the scores only for purposes of making academic admissions decisions.

Your score will be sent directly to Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Bar-Ilan University, Haifa University, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv University, the Technion, Ariel University and the Open University of Israel within 45 days of the test date. Your score will also be sent to the other institutions that you indicated on the registration form. The institutions to which NITE can send scores are listed here.
NITE does not send scores to institutions other than those included on the list.

After registering for the test or after taking it, you may request that your score be sent to additional institutions. You may do this by logging on to the NITE website: choose the appropriate test date, then click on “List of Institutions You Chose to Report Your Score To”, and then on “Add/Delete Institutions”.
Mark the appropriate institutions and when you are finished, click on “Save Changes”. If you wish to stop NITE from sending your score to one or more universities, or to delete an institution from the list of institutions you chose to report your scores to, press on the X next to the name of that institution. It is not possible to delete an institution after the date that scores are reported.

Alternatively, you may download the Request Form for Reporting Scores to Institutions and send it as an email attachment to If you do not receive an acknowledgment, please contact the Scoring Department by telephone the day after submitting the request in order to confirm that it has been received.

This request is free of charge.
Once a request is processed, the scores will be made available and the institutions may retrieve them within seven working days. There is no possibility of shortening the time need to send scores.