רשימת פרסומים בכתבי עת מדעיים

רשימת פרסומים של חוקרי המרכז באנגלית

Attali, Y. & Frenkel, T. (2000).
The Point-Biserial as a Discrimination Index for Distractors in Multiple-Choice Items: Deficiencies in Usage and an Alternative.
Journal of Educational Measurement, 37(1), 77-86.
Allallouf, A., Hambleton, R.K. & Sireci, S.G. (1999).
Identifying the Causes of DIF in Translated Verbal Items.
Journal of Educational Measurement, 36(3), 185-198.
Fortus, R., Coriat, R. & Fund, S. (1998).
Prediction of Item Difficulty in the English Subtest of Israel’s Inter-University Psychometric Entrance Test.
In Kunnan, A.J. (Edt.). Validation in Laguage Assessment. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Association.
Allalouf, A. & Ben-Shakhar, G. (1998).
The Effect of Coaching on the Predictive Validity of Scholastic Aptitude Tests.
Journal of Educational Measurement, 35(1), 31-47.
Budescu, D. V., Cohen, Y. & Ben-Simon, A. (1997).
A Revised Modified Analysis for the Construction of Unidimensional Item Pools.
Applied Psychological Measurement, 21(3), 233-252.
Ben-Simon, A, Budescu, D. V. & Nevo, B. (1997).
A Comparative Study of Measures of Partial Knowledge in Multiple-Choice Tests.
Applied Psychological Measurement, 21(1), 65-88.
Ben-Shakhar, G. & Beller, M. (1996).
Comparing the Utility of Two Procedures for Admitting Students to Liberal Arts: An Application of Decision-Theoretic Models.
Educational and psychological Measurement, 56(1), 90-107.
Beller, M. & Gafni, N. (1996).
The 1991 international assessment of educational progress in mathematics and sciences: The gender differences perspective.
Journal of Educational Psychology, 88(2), 365-377.
Attali, Y. & Goldschmidt, H. (1996).
The Effects of Component Variables on performance in Graph Comprehension Tests.
Journal of Educational Measurement, 33 (1), 93-105.
Beller, M., & Gafni, N. (1995).
Equating and validating translated scholastic aptitude tests: The Israeli case.
In G. Ben-Shakhar, and A. Lieblich, (Eds), Studies in Psychology: A volume in honor of Sonny Kugelmass. Scripta Hierosolymitana, 36, (pp. 202-219). Jerusalem: Magnes Press. (also, NITE report No. 179, Jerusalem, Israel).
Beller, M. (1995).
Translated versions of Israel’s inter-university Psychometric Entrance Test (PET).
In T. Oakland, and R. K. Hambleton, (Eds.), International Perspectives on Academic Assessment. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Beller, M., & Gafni, N. (1995).
International perspectives on the schooling and learning achievement of girls and boys, as revealed in the 1991 international Assessment of Educational Progress (IAEP).
Jerusalem, National Institute for Testing and Evaluation. (Mimeo. Report commissioned by UNESCO from the international Association for educational Assessment).
Gafni, N. & Melamed, E. (1994).
Differential tendencies to guess as a function of gender and lingual-cultural reference group.
Studies in Educational Evaluation, 20, 309-319.
Beller, M. (1994).
Psychometric and social issues in admissions to Israeli universities.
Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 13(2), 12-20.
Beller, M. (1993).
Zulassungsverfahren an Israelischen Universitaten: Psychometrische und soziale Betrachtungen.
In G. Trost, K. Ingenkamp, und R.S. Jager, (Eds.), Tests Und Trend 10: Jahrbuch der Padagogischen Diagnostik. Germany: Beltz Verlag.
Gafni, N. & Melamed, E. (1990).
Using the Circular Equating Paradigm for Comparison of Linear Equating Models.
Applied Psychological Measurement, 14(3), 247-256.
Beller, M. (1990).
Tree versus geometrical representation of tests and items.
Applied Psychological Measurement, 14(1), 13-28.
Nevo B., & Oren, C. (1986).
Concurrent validity of the American Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the Israeli Inter-University Psychometric Entrance Test (IUPET).
Educational and psychological Measurement, 46(3), 723-725.
Ben-Shakhar, G. & Beller, M. (1983).
An application of decision-theoretic model to a quotafree selection problem.
Journal of Applied Psychology, 68, 137-146.