רשימת פרסומים בכתבי עת מדעיים
רשימת פרסומים של חוקרי המרכז באנגלית
Fields, E. T., Levy, A., Karelitz, T. M., Martinez-Gudapakkam, A., & Jablonski, E. (2012) The science of professional development: If you offer professional development in science, will teachers come? More importantly, will it matter if they do? Phi Delta Kappan, 93, 44-46. |
Allalouf, A, Alderoqui Pinus, D. (Summer 2012). Exhibition on Testing & Measurement: Scientific Principles, Social Impact of Testing, and Dialogue With the Public. Educational Measurement: issues and Practice, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 14-20. |
Gafni, N., Moshinsky, A., Eisenberg, O., Ziegler, D., Ziv, A. (2012) |
Karelitz, T. M., Fields, E., Levy, A., Martinez-Gudapakkam, A., & Jablonski, E. (2011) |
Shalev, L., Ben-Simon, A., Mevorach, C., Cohen, Y. & Tsal, Y. (2011). Conjunctive Continuous Performance Task (CCPT) - A pure measure of sustained attention. Neuropsychologia, 49, 2584- 2591. |
Ben Gal, G, D.M.D., Weiss, EI, DMD., Gafni, N, ph.D., Ziv, A, M.D., M.H.A. (2011 April). Preliminary Assessment of Faculty and Student Perception of a Haptic Virtual Reality Simulator for Training Dental Manual Dexterity. In ADEA: American Dental Education Association, April 2011/Vol. 75/No. 4. 496-504. |
Allalouf, A (2011) ITC Guidelines on quality control in scoring, analysis and reporting of test scores. Available at http://www.intestcom.org/Guidelines/Quality+Control.php |
Allalouf, A. (2010). Exhibition on Testing and Measurement. Testing International: A Publication of the International Testing Committee (ITC), 23 (1). Available at http://www.intestcom.org/upload/sitefiles/53.pdf |
Ziegler, D. (2010). Testing & monitoring in Education. TIMO, no. 7, 40-48. .(כתב עת רוסי) |
Fortus, R. (2010). Quality Control in Test Development. In: Examinations Reserch 2010. volume 4, pp. 64-79. (כתב עת סיני) |
Karelitz, T. M., Parrish (Montgomery), D., Yamada, H., and Wilson, M.R. (2010). Articulating Assessments across Childhood: The Cross-Age Validity of the Desired Results Developmental Profile-Revised. Educational Assessment. 15, 1-26. |
Karelitz, T. M., Jarvin, L., & Sternberg, R.J. (2010) The meaning of wisdom and its development throughout life. In R. M. Lerner, & W. F. Overton (Eds.) The Handbook of LifeSpan Development, Volume 1, Cognition, Biology, and Methods (pp. 837-881). Hoboken: Wiley. |
Sternberg, R.J., Coffin, L., Bonney, C.R., Gabora, L., Jarvin, L. & Karelitz, T. M. (2010) Broadening the Spectrum of Undergraduate Admissions. College & University, 86, 2-17. |
Allalouf, A., Hanani P. (2010). Test Translation and Adaptation. In: Penelope Peterson, Eva Baker, Barry McGaw, (Editors), International Encyclopedia of Education. volume 4, pp. 166-169. Oxford: Elsevier. |
Allalouf, A., Rap, J. & Stoller R. (2009). Which Item Types are Better Suited to the Linking of Verbal Adapted Tests? A Comparison of Four Item Types. International Journal of Testing, 9: 92-107. |
Gafni, N., Cohen, Y., Roded, K., Baumer, M., & Moshinsky, A. (2009). Applications of CAT in admissions to higher education in Israel: Twenty-two years of experience. In D. J. Weiss (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2009 GMAC Conference on Computerized Adaptive Testing. Retrieved [date] from www.psych.umn.edu/psylabs/CATCentral/ |
Baumer, M., Roded, K., & Gafni, N. (2009). Assessing the equivalence of Internet-based vs. paper-and-pencil psychometric tests. In D. J. Weiss (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2009 GMAC Conference on Computerized Adaptive Testing. Retrieved [date] from www.psych.umn.edu/psylabs/CATCentral/ |
Berkenstadt H., Haviv Y, Tuval A, Shemesh Y, Megrill A, Perry A, Rubin O, Ziv A (2008 Jul). Improving handoff communications in critical care: utilizing simulation-based training toward process improvement in managing patient risk. Chest 134(1):158-62. |
Rubin O., Berkenstadt H, Ziv A. (2008). Intern training. A national simulation based training program to enhance readiness for medical practice. In R. H. Riley (eds.). Manual of simulation in healthcare. Oxford University press. |
Ziv, A., Rubin. O., Moshinsky. A., Gafni. N., Kotler. M., Dagan, Y., Lichtenberg. D., Mekori. Y., & Mittelman. M. (2008). MOR: a simulation-based assessment centre for evaluation the personal and interpersonal qualities of medical school candidates. Medical Education 2008; 42: 991-998. |